Intelligent Business
Podmínky k závěrečné zkoušce:
- zápočet za zimní semestr Unit 1 - 5
- zápočet za letní semestr Unit 6 - 10
Zkouška má dvě části - písemnou (test Unit 1 - 10)*
- ústní ( čtení a překlad článku, odpověď na vylosovanou otázku, odpovědi na doplňující otázky - viz Otázky ke zkoušce. Je možné si s sebou přinést vypracované domácí úkoly.).
Hodnocení: Známka se řídí součtem bodů za zápočty a za obě části zkoušky.
*Poznámka: K testu Unit 1 - 10 je možné přičíst body za dobrovolné domácí úkoly.
1. Read and translate the text.
- Talk about types of companies.
- Talk about company structure, set an example.
- My work experience (work profile).
2. Read and translate the text.
- Talk about the role of a leader / different management styles.
- The Art of Delegation.
- Hierarchy, being direct, attitude to timing.
3. Read and translate the text.
- Talk about the planning process in business organisations.
- Describe the SWOT analysis.
- Presentation, writing emails.
4. Read and translate the text.
- Talk about "fat cats" and their packages.
- How should be CEOs motivated.
- Memo.
5. Read and translate the text.
- Talk about the benefits of economic development / loans from intemational organisations/ environmentalists' oppositions.
- What is OECD? (its origins /work / new objectives).
- Project Camisea (mistakes, conclusions, decision?).
6. Read and translate the text.
- Talk about the marketing mix, about brands, 5 characteristics.
- Saying "I do" to the marketers.
- Minutes.
7. Read and translate the text.
- Talk about outsourcing and offshoring,( reasons, definitions).
- What are the advantages and risks of outsourcing abroad (the types of work easily transferred, factors of affecting the choice of location).
- Working in India (would you be interested?).
8. Read and translate the text.
- Talk about stricter corporate governance (reasons, what happens)
- Creative accounting, balance sheet, the profit and loss account.
- Short report.
9. Read and translate the text.
- Talk about recruitment.
- Types of interviews (questions, information).
- Smalltalk (introduction, topics, endings).
- Cover letter, CV.
10. Read and translate the text.
- Talk about counterfeiters, infringements, digitization, situation in the music
- How does counterfeiting benefit consumers?
- What are the most serious consequences?
- Showing feelings, personal space.